Italy about to liberate wedding receptions


"Many future spouses and wedding operators have written to me and I reassure them: the government is working on it and based on the trend of contagions we will soon give a date for the resumption because weddings must be planned in time. And the same goes for sport. Already in the week there will be meetings with the CTS (Technical Scientific Committee) to give dates to these areas”.

Thus the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Mariastella Gelmini, to 'Domenica in' on Rai 1 TV Channel.

Minister of Tourism: curfew reviewed soon

Tour operators rejoice at the words of the Prime Minister, to which must be added the reassurances of Minister of Tourism Massimo Garavaglia on the green pass ("I have asked EU Commissioner Thierry Breton to extend the European pass to third countries"), on the curfew ("I am reasonably confident that the measure in the short term can be favorably reviewed") and on vaccines ("once the fragile population has been vaccinated, it may be appropriate to make assessments also for tourism operators").

From: Ansa and Quotidiano Nazionale